La Palma | Puerto Jiménez | Costa Rica

Jacana Educacional Tours

About Us

We are two families, starting an entrepreneurship located in the southern part of Costa Rica, specifically from the a town called La Palma, located in Puerto Jiménez, near the Corcovado National Park.


Is a business of two women

Yorleni Fletes a native of the Caribbean part of Cost Rica, who has lived in the Osa Peninsula for more than 28 years.  She currently works as a freelance naturalist tour guide at the Corcovado National Park and dedicates the rest of the time working in her own project of local tourism. She has an extensive knowledge about the cultivation of ​​hearts of palm and self-sustaining agriculture. On the other hand, Eida Fletes who was born inside of the Corcovado National Park, works as a freelance naturalist guide, she is a Para taxonomist, a specialist in fungi, agriculture, and a community leader.

Why Jacana?

The jacana (Jacana spinosa) is a bird with which we identify ourselves

Since the female is a leader, she is the one who looks for food, provides protection, creates the nest, lays the eggs and the male is in charge of incubating and caring for the chicks.

Jacana was born as a business out of a family socioeconomic need in 2004, which led us over time to reinvent ourselves in order to get ahead, so we came up with the idea of ​​creating the heart of palm educational tour.


To the organizations that

Have believed in us and our project, such as UNED, UCR, Mar Viva, Fundación Corcovado, Fundación Neotrópica, CRUZA, Horizonte, and Costa Rica Por Siempre, we had been able to learn and grow, making this project a reality. With the specific support of Costa Rica por Siempre, we have been able to materialize our project, which today is our main source of income, giving us the opportunity to help other families by purchasing their products and services, thus sharing the support we have received within and with the community.


Has environmental

Awareness and social responsibility committing on not using one use plastic, not using dangerous agrochemicals or artificial spices or artificial ingredients when cooking. This and other efforts allowed us to earn the ecological blue flag given by the MAG (Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica), which certifies us as an agricultural farm and a diversified crop farm.